If you purchase this book, you get Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis: A Simplified Guide at half price. (The second book is automatically discounted).
44 pages (This book is available in both English and Swedish).
Written by: Theresa Rambaran
Edited by: Åke Nilsson
For those who have grappled with the notion of restoring equilibrium using natural supplements, this book is destined to become a favourite.
Explore 'Supplementing Your Way to Balance: From Hair Mineral Analysis to a Personalised Supplementation Plan.' This impactful yet simplified guide uncovers personalised nutrition strategies. It also highlights dietary modifications and lifestyle strategies that can help you to achieve optimal mineral balance. Do not miss this essential resource bridging the gap between understanding your unique needs and crafting a personalised wellness journey.
Our other book in this series might also be of interest to you. See below for its title and description:
Are you intrigued by the potential insights that a Hair Mineral Analysis can offer for your health journey?
If so, this book 'Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis: A Simplified Guide' can be an essential resource for you. The book outlines the intricacies of the analysis process, providing valuable clarity on its significance in achieving optimal health. If you are considering a hair mineral analysis test, this guide is your invaluable companion, equipping you not only with the insights to comprehend the entire process comprehensively but also with the wisdom to maximise the benefits derived from the analysis.
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